Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Knowledge is nothing more than the systematic organisation of facts.” Discuss this statement in relation to two areas of knowledge.

In relation to the area of knowledge, mathematics, the quote "Knowledge is nothing more than the systematic organisation of facts" is in fact true. Mathematics is the use of theorems and formulas put together to come to a conclusion, the conclusion becomes the knowledge. The theorems and formulas are used in a certain process, an organized process, which reaches the end knowledge.


  1. You say that the statement "Knowledge is nothing more than a systematic organization of facts is in fact true." Would this necessarily be true when it comes to history or does your two areas of knowledge mathematics and natural science, skew your statement?

    1. Well with history you could say that the knowledge you learn from that is based off of a list of facts (historical events, items, etc) which are put through analysis to reach that knowledge. #actuallyreplyingtocomments
